What Is the Process to Getting a Green Card in the U.S.?

a green card

Obtaining a green card is essential if you want to become a United States citizen in the future. However, the idea of obtaining a green card can be overwhelming for many individuals. For such reasons, our Miami immigration attorneys have put together the different options to obtain a green card in the United States.

Process #1: Obtaining a Green Card Through Family

If you are a close relative of a U.S. citizen or green card holder, they can sponsor you to become a lawful permanent resident (green card holder). This is the fastest and most popular path to getting a green card. U.S. citizens can sponsor immediate relatives, including:

  • Spouses
  • Unmarried children under 21 years of age
  • Parents of U.S. citizens who are over 21 years old

U.S. citizens can sponsor a wider range of family members (such as brothers and sisters) compared to lawful permanent residents. If you want to be sponsored by a family member, get in touch with our Miami immigration attorneys here to discover if you’re eligible.

Process #2: Obtaining a Green Card Through an Employer

Another process to getting a green card is by having an employer sponsor you. There are a wide variety of employment visas you can apply for to help you become a lawful permanent resident. There are green cards through investments or by getting hired to work in a specialized job in the U.S.

Before applying for a visa, you will need to be hired by a U.S. employer who agrees to help you obtain a visa (this is depending on the visa you want to apply for).

Process #3: Obtaining a Green Card as a Refugee or Asylee

Immigrants who entered the United States as a refugee or an asylee can apply for a green card one year after entering the country. This also applies to immediate family members of asylees. Refugees are required to apply for a green card after being in the country for a year; however, asylees are not required to apply for a green card.

If you need help applying for a visa to later obtain a green card, contact our Miami immigration attorneys today at (305) 858-2323!

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