Graham Suggests ‘Outliers’ in Trump Admin Sidelined Immigration Deal

Washington (CNN) Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday that some of President Donald Trump's White House staff have "irrational" views on immigration.

"There are people in the White House who are outliers," the South Carolina Republican said in an exclusive interview with CNN's Dana Bash. "There are people around the President who have an irrational view of immigration. They always have, and if you follow that lead we'll never get anywhere."

Last week, Graham presented a bipartisan immigration deal to the White House alongside Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois. Trump rejected the deal. Durbin this week said "any attempt to kill immigration reform probably has (White House senior adviser Stephen) Miller's fingerprints on it." Miller, who was at the deal's presentation at the White House, and is one of the administration's most conservative members on immigration.

Earlier this week, Graham told reporters that Trump was "not well served by his staff" on the immigration debate. Asked about chief of staff John Kelly specifically, Graham called him a good man but noted that he is a member of the staff, and added that some at the White House have "an irrational view."

In his CNN interview, Graham expressed admiration for Kelly, who was in the room during the immigration meeting, but added that "on immigration, I've been dealing with it for about 10 years. I know where the bandwidth exists. ... There's still some room."


Miami immigration law and deportation defense firm

Our immigration lawyers are monitoring the proposed immigration deal and the impact it will have on DACA. If you have any questions about your immigration status or if you wish to speak with an experienced immigration lawyer about any immigration issue, contact our Miami immigration law firm today for a free in-office consultation.

Antonio G. Revilla III is a Former U.S. Immigration Prosecutor and a Miami immigration lawyer with over 25 years of legal experience. Mr. Revilla is available to meet with you to review your immigration case in a confidential consultation, where he will analyze your case and provide legal insight.

If you cannot meet in our Miami immigration office, we also offer telephone consultations for a nominal fee. Our immigration attorneys can represent clients anywhere in the United States.

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