Trump Says DACA Is 'Dead,' and Calls on Mexico to Enforce Border Security

WASHINGTON — President Trump declared on Monday that a plan to protect young immigrants from deportation is “dead” and repeated his calls for Mexico to enforce border security laws and prevent immigrants from coming to the United States illegally.

In a series of tweets Monday morning, Mr. Trump again referred to “large ‘Caravans’ of people” headed toward the United States.

The “caravans,” a popular topic on Fox News, are a group of hundreds of Central Americans who have been traveling through Mexico with the goal of crossing into the United States to seek asylum, or sneak across the border. A BuzzFeed reporter has been traveling with the group and chronicling the experience.

Mr. Trump’s tweets were a continuation of his Easter Sunday Twitter posts in which he blamed Democrats and the Mexican government for the illegal flow of immigrants into the United States. They come at a time when conservative commentator Ann Coulter has been critical of Mr. Trump for abandoning his base and not fulfilling his campaign promise about border security.

Two hours later, Mr. Trump tweeted that Mexico “is making a fortune” on the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA.

Mexico’s foreign secretary, Luis Videgaray Caso, responded on Twitter on Sunday and defended his country’s cooperation with the United States on border security.

The president on Monday blamed Democrats for weak immigration policy and called on Congress to act, tweeting that “our country is being stolen.” The House and Senate — both controlled by Republicans — are in recess and return next week.

Mr. Trump’s declaration that “DACA is dead” is a reference to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which protected hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation.

The president’s position on the program is a moving target. Mr. Trump ended the program last year, but courts have blocked his decision. He also has said that he would sign a bipartisan proposal to protect the young immigrants, but he regularly threatens Democrats that there will be no deal.

Less than two weeks ago, Mr. Trump tweeted, “remember DACA, the Democrats abandoned you (but we will not)!”

The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said on Monday that the president has made offers about the immigration policy.

“He wanted to see something get done, and Democrats refused to actually put something on the table or work with the president to get anything done,” Ms. Sanders said. “They wanted to use DACA recipients as political pawns.”

Representative Mike Coffman, Republican of Colorado, said on Sunday that the president’s announcement on DACA comes at a bad time.


Miami immigration and deportation defense lawyers

If you have any questions about how the latest immigration news regarding DACA impacts your immigration case, contact Revilla Law Firm, P.A., to schedule a free in-office consultation with immigration attorney Antonio G. Revilla III. Mr. Revilla can thoroughly review the details of your case and provide you with legal insight and guidance about the options available to you. We understand that many individuals are expressing concern about their immigration status in light of the new administration’s immigration policy changes. That’s why it’s important to speak with an experienced immigration attorney who can inform you about what, if any, relief is still available to you.

Antonio G. Revilla is a Former U.S. Immigration Prosecutor and a Miami immigration lawyer with over 25 years of legal experience. He has successfully represented clients throughout the United States and he will fight to keep you and your family members together.

Call today to schedule a free in-office consultation. Telephone consultations are also available for a small fee.

(305) 858-2323 or toll free (877) 854-2323

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